Voice Over Services are an audio production technique that uses a voice separate from the original production audio to read the script for a training video, advertisement, meeting recording, or other forms of media. Properly executed, voice overs enhance material and evoke action and/or emotion. If you want your message to resonate in a foreign language, INGCO can help you achieve that with professional voice overs.
Voice Over Services allows you to leverage content already created and share it with a broader audience. INGCO’s WordologistsSM will consider your audience’s unique cultural and linguistic needs, ensuring that your key messages are understood.

Our Process
- Our expert WordologistsSM analyze your content to understand what is needed, your timeline and budget, and any other details necessary for production.
- We receive your video file with audio embedded and then strip the audio portion of the file out.
- Because creating voiceovers in some languages can run longer than the original video, we create a new audio file that is a transcript with time stamps and edit it down so the content will fit within the time constraints of the original, match the video, and convey accurate information.
- We bring multilingual voice talent in to record the new audio files and ensure the final product resonates with those who speak the language.
- Finally, we place the new audio files over the original audio files and send the completed work to you.