Why Choose a Professional Translation Agency Rather Than a Freelance Translator?

May 31, 2017

There are many reasons to choose a professional translation agency rather than a freelance translator. From technology to industry best practices, we’ve put together just a few tips to help you make the best decision when starting your translation project.


Leverage Technology

Most freelance translators do not have systems including a translation memory software system that allows them to leverage technology for cost and quality control. Translation projects, regardless of their size, should follow industry best practices and leverage technology. Technology allows for cost savings and consistent translation. Translation memory software allows all content to be stored in a system that is yours to reference for future projects. Translation memory software also helps with on-demand translation needs. Leveraging technology will offer you cost-savings the because the translation memory software saves all translated content and is available to apply to future projects for reference. Translation project management technology also ensures brand consistency by creating a glossary of frequently used terms specific to your brand. Professional translation agencies always leverage technology to your benefit.

System of Checks & Balances

Most freelance translators work alone and because language is incredibly personal, and each person will say or describe the same thing differently. Working alongside other professionals allows for a system of checks and balances throughout the translation process. Professional translation agencies, like INGCO International, have a team-translation approach that guarantees accuracy and consistency for all translation projects. The translation team works together to ensure all content is at its highest level of quality and serve each other as a checks and balances system. Professional translation agencies have systems in place to ensure on-time and on-budget delivery of translation projects.

Legal & Compliance Concerns

You cannot hold a freelance translator legally accountable for a project. At any given time, they may decide to walk away from a project, hold your content “hostage” and likely do not carry the necessary insurance to protect you and your content from legal issues. Professional translation agencies always have a back-up plan and have systems in place to ensure projects are delivered on time and on budget. Agencies also are required to carry insurance policies that protect you – and your content – from potential legal battles. The last thing you want when in the midst of a time-sensitive translation project is for it to completely derail and force you to start over from step one.


Professional translation agencies like INGCO International are key to successful translation and localization projects.

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